
Teaching children about Metta, or Lovingkindness, is truly a worthwhile practice. Unlike romantic love, loving-kindness is a general caring-in-action that can apply to anyone, including yourself. Learning to love themselves, their neighbors, animals, and the Earth can help make the world we live in a better place. I grew up in the 90’s, watching Mr Rogers when I was a child. He spent most of his career spreading the simple, yet effective, message of Lovingkindness, and I have always admired him for it. How can you and your children practice Lovingkindness today, this week, this month?

I love helping children learn to practice Metta and Lovingkindness in their everyday lives through Little Plum, whether hosting a tween yoga class, or coaching 1:1. I am now accepting clients for Fall 2019! E-mail to get started with a FREE initial meeting.

"Miss Ally is funny, and kind, and really helps me"
— Conor, age 7

This is one of my favorite Mr Roger’s songs: There Are Many Ways to Say I Love You 

How can a child or teen practice Lovingkindness?

  • Metta Meditation:
    May I be happy. May I be well. May I be safe. May I be peaceful
    May You be happy. May You be well. May You be safe. May You be peaceful

  • Drawing pictures for a friend or family member

  • Volunteering for the Community

  • Helping family members at home

  • Small acts of kindness - holding the door, a smile

“Though we all have the fear and the seeds of anger within us, we must learn not to water those seeds and instead nourish our positive qualities – those of compassion, understanding, and loving-kindness.”
– Thich Nhat Hanh