The Power of YET

YET is an incredibly powerful three letter word. It opens the door to possibility. I can't draw a unicorn...yet. I can't count backward...yet. I haven't read this book by myself...yet. It changes everything. Embracing a growth mindset, and teaching children to embrace a growth mindset, is a huge predictor of success and growth. If a child believes they can, even if they can't YET, it makes a huge difference in confidence, learning, and self-esteem.

This "Power of Yet" song on Sesame Street is a sweet way to introduce growth mindset to young kids, and as they get older we can adjust the way the idea is framed. With older children, it can be fun to learn about successful people's paths, and how they often experience windy roads (with many failures and wrong turns!) that led them to creating, or doing, something great.


Sesame Street: Janella Monae - Power of Yet

As the school year begins, if you notice your child embracing fixed mindset self-talk, gently remind them it is okay to fail. Failure is simply a way that did not work. Failure gives us information that can lead us to finding ways that DO work! It's okay to not know ityet.It's all part of growing and learning.

Little Plum Social Emotional Coaching

During Little Plum social emotional coaching sessions, I use growth mindset with my clients and their families every day. It is so important to empower the student, so they can take charge of their growth and development. Growth mindset work can help children overcome challenges with self-esteem, confidence, anger, anxiety, and more.

I currently have just a few openings left for social emotional coaching for 2019-2020. Educational Therapy slots are full, but feel free to drop me a message if you'd like to be put on the waitlist. The best way to reach me is by emailingally@littleplumeducation.comto schedule a FREE initial consult meeting, or phone meeting.

Happy Fall!

In Gratitude,